


文章: Natural Daily Detox Drink Recipe

Detox Drink Recipe | Vegan | Kiwicorp

Natural Daily Detox Drink Recipe

Detox Drink Recipe | Vegan | Kiwicorp

Feeling weighed down and sluggish? Over-eaten? Bloated?
Try this detox drink, which can help cleanse your body and make you feel rejuvenated.
Start your mornings right with this easy-to-make.


Time: 3 mins
Serves: 1


2 tsp apple cider vinegar
2 tsp lemon juice (freshly squeezed)
1/2 tsp ground ginger or turmeric
1 tsp manuka honey
500 ml warm water


  • Mix all ingredients together.
  • Recommend having Detox Drink once a day before breakfast.

Manuka Honey UMF® is renowned for its unique properties, efficient therapy for digestive complaints ranging from acid reflux, gastritis, diarrhea, ulcers and fungal infections. 

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